
It’s likely I will have to move for school.  The thought of packing every possession is not pleasant and each time I move I tell myself never again.  Well, never has arrived, and it’s likely going to be three months from now.

With a count down now present, I have started to think about what is meaningful to me – objects or otherwise and time is my biggest commodity.  With three months to go before I start a new life, I need to regroup.  My #1 distraction is social media.  The time spent reading a post does not equate with time well spent.  I have decided to disconnect.

I deleted my Instagram account.  There are probably only a few friends who I actively like to follow and that isn’t enough incentive to stay on it. I deleted my Linked In account, a career change, accolades of my former life are no longer useful. I deactivated my Twitter account and it will be deleted in 30 days.  I will only miss reading tweets about Karl the Fog.  I have disabled my Facebook account.  I will not show up as an active user.  I am hoping I can still log into other websites without an active Facebook account, but I’m not sure so I haven’t deleted the account yet. To many people I know, it may appear I am going dark, but I am not.  I am re-evaluating how I would like to use my energy – and it is on people and not posts.