Democracy in action

This evening, my classmates and I worked together on a group project. A project that should have taken an hour to complete by oneself, took several hours because we debated and compromised on every step. I was very surprised at my own actions, always believing they are correct and the best method. It’s been a very long time since I have needed to work in a group. I found compromising challenging. In the end the finished product is fantastic because of everyone’s input. It is better than I, alone, could have imagined. Everyone brought their own vision and their own skills to the table. I must remember that other people’s words and actions, although not my own, must be valued and respected, until a majority rule. I cannot lead in every setting. Most of the time, it is better to work in a group to achieve the best result.

Author: Liane

Hails from NYC, has a strong affinity for bagels, rainbow cookies, and spumoni. Superhero skill - finding parking spaces on demand. Friends describe me as: adventurous, organized, competitive and adaptable. Passions are adventure, challenge and change. Daughter of an immigrant, outdoor enthusiast, advocate, nurse.

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